Spotlight: Aphrodite Sinclair

Aphrodite Sinclair

Don’t let her height of 5’2″ diminish her role as a field agent. To this day, the hedge-witch is the only person that can keep pace with Jacob and spirits, a badge of honor she wears proudly.

Half Greek, she was slightly annoyed at her father’s choice of ‘Aphrodite’ as a name (what a cliché!) but she more than makes up for any of her parents’ flaws. That athame is real, by the by, so when Aphy is channeling magic with her witch’s blade, be alarmed. Be super alarmed.

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I studied and lived in Japan, got a Master's Degree in Sociology from the University of Oxford and an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Now I write SFF novels about cerebral people suffering post-modern angst who cope by drinking lots of wine. And misusing magic.

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