It’s been forever and a day. I wish I had more to share, but writer’s block got me all sorts of backed up. Here’s a lil’ snippet of my current work (yes, Freewoman and The Posh Tales of Jacob Orange are still being worked on… sort of).
Anywhoozles, I wrote a sonnet; I like form, and everyone has to get their inner Shakespeare wiggling now and again, am I right?
Sonnet #3
Beneath the moon, where hearts as one do beat,
Two souls entwine, though worlds apart they stand.
One dark as night, the other fair as sweet,
In love’s embrace, they touch with tender hand.
The heavens weep for joy at their embrace,
While whispers rise like winds in quiet groves.
No fear of race or shade their hearts erase,
For love transcends what mortal mind behooves.
The starry sky does bow to their accord,
No more does shade define the heart’s pure flame.
In every kiss, they bind their spirits toward
A future bright, beyond the bounds of name.
Let not the world cast stones nor words condemn,
For love, as true, defies the hearts of men.