Facebook has the lovely “remember this?” memory function that most of the time fills me with unabashed shame or a surfeit of giggles. Needless to say, I seldom share.
Today marked the seven year mark of my first pony picture of my OC (original character), Wine Quill. I would, once again, be remiss if I didn’t share him with the world:

My Little Pony: Friendship is MagicĀ has had a remarkable impact on my life; on what I feel about friendship, love, and how I could cope with depression. I still carry ponies on my person, and am proud to have a husband who became a Brony as well. The series may have just ended, but it lives on in our hearts. *sappy music plays*

As as a PS, I once made a custom pony for my friend Dan. He may have lost the pic, but I have not!!
He needs a name…..