No Typos, Please! Lenna’s Home

Excitement! Trepidation! Forceful disuse of a double-space after a period!

Tomorrow at 9 am, I’ll be snatching up some proof previews containing the first two edited chapters of Librarian. I’ve called it “Lenna’s Home,” and it’s going to be bound and pretty and hot. I feel like my literary water’s just broken and heavy labor is setting in.

If you’re interested in a bound, printed copy of “Lenna’s Home” for review, please let me know.

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I studied and lived in Japan, got a Master's Degree in Sociology from the University of Oxford and an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Now I write SFF novels about cerebral people suffering post-modern angst who cope by drinking lots of wine. And misusing magic.

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