No Longer Hobbit I

I chopped off my hair!  I know in all the pictures I’ve self-indulgently posted on this site, the hair has been short, but in honor of The Hobbit‘s release this past December I had been growing out my hair.  It was the melancholy what made me to do it.

Brian Gets His Hair Cut

After the trim, I popped by a pub and wanted to write something — but what?  Continue book two?  Instead, I realized I wanted to take up poetry again, so I wrote an Elizabethan sonnet.  Originally, I had intended to wax romantic on the rainy afternoon, but the poem had other intentions.  I’m not even sure I can post it online.

Does anyone else ever start a piece of writing, or a picture, or even a dinner, with one thing in mind, and just ever let it go in the direction ‘it’ wants?  I didn’t know I had it in me.  If I get the courage, one day, I’ll post it.

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I studied and lived in Japan, got a Master's Degree in Sociology from the University of Oxford and an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Now I write SFF novels about cerebral people suffering post-modern angst who cope by drinking lots of wine. And misusing magic.

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