Based on the latest feedback from one of my beta-readers, it came to my attention that my characters grin, blush, and flush entirely too often. When I used Scrivener to check word frequency, some form of the word ‘grin’ had been used 20 times! 20! That’s at least once per chapter.
It was both sick and sad to go back through with a digital shotgun and cull my flock of grins; still, I think it probably scans better as a whole.
I know I haven’t updated much lately, but that’s because *gasp* I’ve been pushing forward REALLY REALLY SCHMEALLY hard! I’ve just sent off the final proof to the printer for me to read and make sure one last time that everything is hunky-dory, and then it’s time to submit the dreaded ADVANCE COPIES for review.
That’s right, kids: we’ve moved on from BETA and gone to PRE-RELEASE. Interested in doing a review? Lemme know. The book still has spots for blurbs…