Two weeks have passed and it feels like I’ve been in the States for aeons. I’ve been through a book signing where no siblings could or wouldn’t attend, some sort of pseudo-relationship and pseudo-breakup, and once again learned how completely batshit (pardon the language) crazy people can be. Names from the past return rather suddenly, and I’m not sure how to respond, and people I thought I was very connected to and sharing good, human bonds with turn out to be the kind that do a complete 180, or in other cases, belittle your friends and throw wine in your face. It makes me miss solid people like Megan and Henry.
Anyway, enough of the self-pity rant; I’ve got wine and pills and s’more episodes of Broadchurch to watch. Writers are supposed to write, though, so I figured putting down my thoughts, however public, would be something of a benediction or at least fodder for some book later to come. (My god, the story of my life is going to get me a movie somewhere, I promise. I’m going to call it ‘Mending Fences.’)
Drama aside, I plan on using all the weird energy around me to disconnect and focus on Apprentice, save for the odd book signing, the next of which is occurring in a pub! YAY BOOZE. Over half the first draft is done on the sequel, so hopefully within the next month, provided I focus (stay away, FFXIV…) all should be well and good book-wise.
Now all I need to do is start collecting pumpkins and figure out Halloween plans!