West Coast Inspiration

China BeachSo yes, I’m on one of my retreats to the West Coast! Humidity and nasty heat claimed my East Coast Pine Forest like a Texan noms on barbecue, so the immediate desire to flee to a place with better weather and a different sort of energy consumed me. I also had to see a man about a cat.

I’ve been slightly detached from the blog and even Apprentice itself as I experienced one of the rare joys a published author is afforded — nothingness. Sure, the thoughts were still bursting around in the head (I’m not sure that ever stops for a writer), but with the manuscript off to the copyeditor, I could very happily divorce myself from worrying about book two for a few weeks. It’s NICE.

But then you get the itch. I had planned to get some writing done while away, but it wasn’t the hugest of my priorities. Then, as I took a two hour stroll (me, strolling, two hours, I know) along China Beach and Land’s End, BAM! It happened. Book three (I already have a lot of it outlined, so it’s not like I’m starting from scratch) has its first proper words. Rather, its first proper scene! Chapter one, scene one, written. And I am pleased. 🙂 Lenna’s ending draws nigh, but at least we see the return of some fan favorites…

Book Three SpoilerDon’t worry… not all is what it seems! In any case, while I nurse my sunburn and cook my rabbit (really — I have a rabbit to cook), know that I’m writing/living/working/loving just so I become a better Brian for all of you supporting me back home, here, and abroad! I miss you all so much!

Book three, here we go.

Book Three - Beginning

Hiring: Temporary Editorial Assistants!

That’s right, Moon Rabbit Publishing, LLC is in the market for some temporary editorial assistants, which is a glorified way of saying “paid beta-reader” as we find our workload increasing. This is not a job for copyediting, proofreading, or substantive editing and as such the pay will reflect a fair, flat rate based on the current market of beta-readers.

Job Description: You will receive a digital proof (format of your choosing) of Apprentice, a novel to be released late summer 2014. Within two weeks of receipt, you will have read the manuscript and written an approximate 500 word (two standard pages) brief containing feedback on the plot, how characters are received, overall flow/pacing, and anything else you’d like to mention. I will also include a document with some guidelines to assist with the write-up of the report. You are not required to correct or proofread, though if you do notice any glaring errors, plot holes, etc., you are more than welcome to point them out.

Job Requirements: A reader with an excellent command of the English language, preferably one with proven experience in either beta-reading or reviewing (I may ask for samples). While not required, as Apprentice is part two of a trilogy, having read its predecessor, Librarian, is a major plus.

Compensation: Based on the market and availability of beta-readers who provide similar services for free, assistants will be paid $50 USD, payable via check or PayPal (PayPal exclusively if assistant is not based in the United States). Additionally, they will receive credit in the acknowledgements section of the completed novel and a free digital copy of the novel upon publication. In short, you’ll be paid to write a small book report and be part of the publishing industry. More than most interns get!

Interested parties, please contact Brian with your name, email address, and qualifications.

Reset the Net

A lot of my friends and family members don’t seem to realize how vulnerable they leave themselves in regard to Internet. I’m not just talking about ‘hackers’ or those ‘nasty viruses’ you get from downloading porn (you know who you are): governments and corporations also use loopholes and dubious means to extract what we think is private.

Sign the petition and get the privacy pack. Protect yourself; reset the net.

The Status Update Weeks in the Making

I’ve been pretty much MIA as far as the blog is concerned, I know. All of a sudden I found myself insanely busy wrapping up the tweaks on Apprentice, but now I’m happy to say that, after I actually read the damn thing on my Kindle from start to finish, I found myself pleased enough to have turned it over to my copyeditor at 110k words! Yikes! 14000 more words than Librarian!

Kindle Mock-Up

There will be some fun reveals in the near future (cover art within the next week hopefully, website revamp, and perhaps some special treats for fans of Librarian…).

IN ANY CASE, to the some announcements/updates:

  • Beta-readers! That’s right; it’s that time again. We’re looking for beta-readers of the digital version of Apprentice. It’s free, but we’d love feedback in return. Contact Brian with your choice of format (.epub, .mobi, .pdf are all options).
  • Editorial Assistants! Woah, we’re getting fancy. Moon Rabbit Publishing, LLC, is looking to contract a few associate editors to preview the book and offer substantive critique — imagine writing a small book report, but getting paid for it! Details here.
  • ARCs (Advance Reader Copies)! Authors, reviewers, and bloggers — we will be reaching out to you in the next week or so, but if you don’t hear from us and are interested in a galley for review (or a review swap), please contact Brian. We want your words on that cover!
  • Release Date! The best news of all: the tentative release date for Apprentice is scheduled for the best day of all… Brian’s birthday! That’s right, we’re looking to go gold on Monday, 25th August 2014! In the upcoming weeks, look for special promotions for people who preorder signed copies. 🙂

Well, that was a mouthful! But yay! Progress! Now, time to go kill my D&D players…

Avoiding Divorce

Chapter 14 - In Love
A celebratory reconciliation indeed.

After a few days of some really heavy talks with lawyers, mediators, pastors, shady bartenders, and former lovers, chapter fourteen and I have decided to remain a couple. That’s right. While I was very tempted to leave the frigid waif by the wayside, in the end, love and crayons prevailed. Chapter fourteen will stay.

…and the editing continues.

Out of the Box

I’ve been a bit silent lately, I know. One would like to think that’s because I’m knee-deep in Apprentice edits — which, by all means, is where I should be — but the truth is that I’ve been contracted to do some translation work in Manhattan. The commute from the moon is insane. MERG.

I don’t even have time to put my ponies back in their pony-box, and so they gradually start to assemble around my keys, sayings, “No, Brian… don’t leave us!”

Pony Control
They are holding my Magic Mouse captive.

Worry not; though! Tomorrow is the last day. I WILL FINISH THE BOOK THIS WEEK. REALLY.

All I have to do is survive tomorrow.

100k, Hoo-RAY!

Crossing 100k Words
I broke 100k! WAHOO!


Because I thought the book needed a lighter moment somewhere in the middle (I hinted at this in another post), I decided to add a new chapter in which Lenna and [insert-spoiler-name-here] get up to exploring a bit of the city of Eran Point, home of the University which Lenna had always dreamed of attending.

Now, we all know it’s just going to end up with me having her get drunk in a pub as, apparently, I am channeling my time at Oxford at the moment.

In any case, THREE SCENES LEFT and the first draft of the manuscript is done and the Red Pen of Doom will be unleashed. If anyone is interested in beta-reading, please let me know! Also, there may be some PAID editing jobs popping up in the near future from Moon Rabbit Publishing, so stay tuned. 🙂

PS — Having crossed 100k words! It’s officially the longest manuscript I’ve written so far. HUZZAH!