Happy Valentine’s Day!

In my last post, I had warned you all that I would be busy untangling Lenna’s messy life, but actually, Librarian is off to my copy-editor to get all nice and shiny! Woohoo!

This will give me an opportunity to work on things like cover art, throwing myself into the fire of social media, etc.  I may have a surprise for anyone who follows my blog in the near future, so stay tuned!

Roses from a Kitteh
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Updates in the Rain

It’s so MURKY out! The warmer temperatures have melted all of the snow and now, combined with the deluge of rain that’s been falling since last night, I need to paddle my way to my car.

Just a quick update: I’ve secured a copy-editor for Librarian, which means in a month’s time I should have a much smoother copy for people to read, and (not without some nudging from my peers), I’ve thrown myself headfirst into the world of book two, Apprentice.

My Valentine’s Day will likely be spent untangling the mess of Lenna’s life.  I hope everyone else gets to spend it with their loved ones!

Nor’easters and Alicorns Lead to Disappointment

So, as I’m sure most people are aware, another “snowpocalypse” is striking New England.  Boston is stealing all the snow from me, and I’m not happy about it.  I want a massive blizzard to strike my Pine Forest, forcing me to do nothing but cook all the delicious venison my neighbor gave me this morning (seriously, I’ve got pretty much an entire deer).

As it is, we’re slated for 1-3″ or 3-6″ — we’re right on the line — and I have a dreadful feeling it’s going to be just enough to cause a massive inconvenience but not enough to shut the office.  This makes me angerful.

Re: Librarian, my faithful critic Jimbles is giving me a chapter a day, so content-wise we’re getting there!  Also, it looks like I actually HAVE scored a copy-editor, so it’s just a matter of contract stuff.  Yay!

On a final note, I AM SUFFERING FROM DISAPPOINTMENT.  If you want to know why, read more.  SPOILER ALERT! Continue reading Nor’easters and Alicorns Lead to Disappointment

Feeling Pineapple

I went to bed late last night and awoke this morning rather melancholy.  Is it the winter blues?  Is it missing England?  Do I long for the touch of a loved one?

I’m not sure I really know, and I decided I didn’t need to.  A healthy lunch (sauteed bok choy and garlic, sesame carrots, tofu, miso soup, rice), a win from England (scrum!) in the rugby, and a really hot shower fixed me up but right.  Why be sad today?  The sun is shining, my curls are defined, and I’m ready to write.

And, most important of all, I’m wearing pineapple socks.

Pineapple Socks

Thinking of Spring

Perhaps it’s just my body changing with age, or maybe blizzards don’t just have the same sparkling appeal to me as they did when I was twelve, but this winter is instilling a horrible sense of lethargy and melancholy in me.  Bleh!

Thinking of springtime and a loved one, I wrote a short story this evening (really short — 1700 words!) about a bunny from the moon and a cat who find a balloon and discuss the nature of happiness.  It’s a tad random, there are a few inside jokes, but feel free to giggle at it all the same.

Lots of Fhet

(And, for those who are unaware, ‘fhet’ is the official sound a happy bunneh makes.)

Friendship IS Magic

After the site went live yesterday and I launched myself headfirst into the daunting world of social media — an act which required two showers to remove the shame — I was pleasantly surprised by all the support and words of encouragement I received from my friends concerning the publishing of Librarian.

Thanks, everyone; you ROCK!  This bow-tie is for you.

Bow-ties are Cool
Bow-ties are cool.


In a much shorter period of time than expected, I’ve managed to get content up in every section of this website.  I’m not sure I’ve ever done that before.

I fleshed out the section on Librarian so that those who actually come to the site (now that I’m social-media-ing it up ‘n stuff) will know what I’m writing about.  My cold seems to have relinquished its wicked grip on my nose, and I can confidently resume editing without dripping all over my MacBook Pro.

Happy Wednesday, kids!  The week endeth soon!

Winter Wrap-Up

…I wish!  It’s damned cold here!  Over the course of three days, the temp has dropped several bajillion degrees.  Brrrrrrr.  I like the snow, but this biting cold is grating on my nerves.

Not really any editing done today, BUT! some headway on the website, and I started the new PS3 game, Ni no Kuni, which is delightful.  It’s like playing a Ghibli game, which is exactly how it -should- feel.

I shall continue to endeavor with the copyediting and web-mastering.  And yes, I see spooge-like droplets in the header logo, BUT I LIKE IT ANYWAY.

<3 b


I’ve been flirting with some flu-like being for almost two weeks now, and it’s really starting to make me want to go FLUTTERSHY on my immune system’s behind.  By the time I get over this, allergies will kick in (damn you, springtime in the forest!) and I will turn into Brian-mush.

Good news, though!  The snowy evening has forced me to update a little, with some coding help, and there are now some pony pics up in the ‘stuff‘ section of the website.  Official content?  No, not tonight.