No Summer Vacation

There’s no rest for the wicked, it seems. I’m trying to stay positive this morning, even though I DIDN’T SLEEP and the very first pen I touched exploded, so now I have one very black hand. This isn’t doesn’t come off, precious.

In happier news, I’m hoping to get some work on Apprentice done today; specifically chapter four, as my de fact editor was in a bit of a state about the cliffhanger at the end of chapter three. Tee-hee. O:)

BIGGER NEWS! Are you a member of Goodreads? If not, I have the BEST reason to join: for the next month, I’ll be giving away TEN SIGNED COPIES OF LIBRARIAN. Winners will be decided August 1!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Librarian by Brian Fence


by Brian Fence

Giveaway ends July 31, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

I’m American!

Who knew? Finally, a little justice for the LGBT community; common sense and decency prevailed, and now the federal government recognizes that I have the same rights as a heterosexual! Huzzah!


…in further news, the first three chapters of Apprentice are complete and being beta-read. I’m crankin’ this stuff out, so those who haven’t picked up Librarian — you’d better get cracking!


…is the number of steps it takes from the backdoor of my house to the office. I know this because I woke up, inhaled the sweet summer breeze, and decided to march along the tree-lined paths to work rather than increase the size of my carbon footprint by using a car.

Actually, that’s not why I walked at all. It’s 4235 steps, and that gave me 10 coins on my Nintendo 3DSXL. That’s the most brilliant method to encourage exercise EVER, Nintendo. EVER!

Then, I did some paperwork to fund a new ordinance in town, I harvested some fresh peaches and cherries, and chopped down a tree. I also bought a new pair of glasses and donated some fossils to a local museum.

…in Animal Crossing…

Welcome to my pathetic existence.

In further news, Librarian made the main SFF review page on Kirkus Reviews! I’m ONE ABOVE JOHN SCALZI. I had such a nerdgasm I might have started to have a nosebleed. Check here for the SFF page, or go straight to the review. Calloo-callay! If you haven’t gotten a copy of Librarian yet, pick up one today!

Thank You for Soap

So, big week. I launched a book! (If you’re reading this blog and don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, see: this post). I want to offer a HUGE thank you to everyone who’s taken their time and/or money to support me with Lenna’s adventure!

BUT REALLY. More pressing on my mind is the state of affairs in my bathroom. Now, that sounds far scarier than I intend it, but it’s kind of becoming a strange place. If you know me, you already consider bathing something of an obsession of mine, as I’m frequently in the shower or the tub.

Subsequently, I produce a certain amount of humidity (and use so much water that all of Australia weeps every time my hand draws near a faucet) so I’ve found that my bathroom is the ideal place to start growing plants. I have an Anthy plant (real name: unknown), a moon plant (real name: I think it is a moon plant), and then a couple of cacti that sometimes stab me when I’m reaching for my toothbrush, hungover.

I’ve also been cultivating a bar of soap. That sounds strange, and I’m willing to agree with that. As I started using it, it began to take on a shape that alarmed me, so I ceased. Now, I just watch as the gradual splashing from me in the shower and the humidity wear it down.

And do you know what it looks like? DO YOU? It’s Rei/Lilith from THE END OF EVANGELION. 

My shower is the site of the Third Impact.

Lilith Soap
Don’t let any Angels touch it!

If you don’t believe me, compare!

Oh yeah. I’m officially an author on Goodreads.

Full-Throttle Release

My first novel, Librarian, is now available for purchase! It won’t be on the shelves yet, but you can order online (it may take a week or two before certain online vendors show it in their system), through any local bookstore, or through me if you need a signed copy and won’t be seeing me anytime soon (send me a message or email).  The hardcover edition is literally just hitting the presses, so it’s only available on Amazon (US) at the moment. Remember, Kindle/Nook versions can be read on pretty much any electronic device! Also, iBookstore and Google Play versions will be available within a week.

Friends, family, thanks for your support; I’d love you to pick up a copy, tell a friend, share this post, and, if you do purchase, please leave a review! Word of mouth is the best advertising. (Trade paperback, hardcover, Kindle) (Trade paperback, Kindle, hardcover pending)

B& (Trade paperback, Nook, hardcover pending)

Createspace (an Amazon affiliate):

It’s also available on Amazon throughout the EU, Canada, South America, and Japan, though of course, it’s in English (paperback, Kindle).  So you can pretty much get it wherever you are in the world.

I also have my own stock of hardcover and paper editions, and will be doing a local signing. There’ll be more info at my website, Thanks for any support, team! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed working on it.

Still Smiling

Hello, kids!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. My life’s topsy-turvy due to a family emergency, but it should be sorted out by the end of the weekend. The launch is slightly delayed, but don’t worry; deals are being made and the hardcover and Kirkus review should be out by mid-June! Get your imaginations ready!

I Personally Killed 12 Grins

Based on the latest feedback from one of my beta-readers, it came to my attention that my characters grin, blush, and flush entirely too often. When I used Scrivener to check word frequency, some form of the word ‘grin’ had been used 20 times! 20! That’s at least once per chapter.

It was both sick and sad to go back through with a digital shotgun and cull my flock of grins; still, I think it probably scans better as a whole.

I know I haven’t updated much lately, but that’s because *gasp* I’ve been pushing forward REALLY REALLY SCHMEALLY hard! I’ve just sent off the final proof to the printer for me to read and make sure one last time that everything is hunky-dory, and then it’s time to submit the dreaded ADVANCE COPIES for review.

That’s right, kids: we’ve moved on from BETA and gone to PRE-RELEASE. Interested in doing a review? Lemme know. The book still has spots for blurbs…


A Bao Flies at 428 mph

The beauty of Virgin America is that if you’re willing to cough up the cash (and I am, of course; it’s a business expense) you get wi-fi, so transcontinental flights aren’t nearly as dull as they used to be.  Combined with the fact there’s a “booze button” in the display panel in front of me, I’d say I’m pretty well sorted.

Though I should be reading Librarian on my kindle YET AGAIN to look for more errors, I decided to tackle a short story starring a character who was actually created long before Lenna and her comrades — Tenny Orange.  In the grand, cosmic scheme of Bao’s universe, Tenny has his own arc much like Lenna, and the discerning reader will start to notice some connection, I imagine.

The short story is going to be featured in Moon Rabbit Publishing’s (our imprint!) first ‘zine, mooncrisis!, which it set for launch this summer.  We’re still looking for submissions — artwork, photography, short stories, reviews, or essays pertaining to science, science fiction, fantasy, and the like.  Interested parties contact ME, the Bao!

Anyway, it’s time to press the booze button again.  Chin chin!