Get Out Dem Bose Headphones

That’s right! Long requested, long ignored by me (until now), LIBRARIAN is finally getting the audiobook treatment! A talented VO producer will be handling the final version, soon to be available via Amazon, Audible, iTunes, CD, et cetera! Behold the cover art!

LIBRARIAN, Audiobook Cover

I can’t wait for everyone to HEAR the finished product!

PS — I have more to update about, like my wonderful weekend in DC with old friends and new, but right now this little X-Mas bunneh just decorated the tree and wants to hide in the branches for a nap!

X-Mas Bunneh
bao bao bao bao bao?

Red is the Color of Blood

November is over, and Christmas is creeping up with its icy jaws of death, ready to pillage my wallet and interrupt my workflow (speaking of Christmas, Librarian would make a great gift for loved ones who like books, HINT HINT). One upside to it being December, however, is that Movember is officially over, and I shaved the tribble off my face. I look twelve years old again. Huzzah!

On a more professional note, the first annotations for chapters one through four of Apprentice are completely worked into the first draft, which means it’s time for… THE RED PEN OF DOOM. This is the fun part where I go a little crazy and go over line by line of the printed material. This is also the stage where the insanity starts. When it finally goes to my copy-editor, prepare for all out bonkers.

Apprentice Proof (Chapters 1-4)
The text already threatens to strangle me, I swear.

Do I see the word “sparkle ponies” on page one? RUT-ROH. Remember, this is the version produced after I get delightful suggestions from my editor, some of which are like this:

Rib Poking

We do so enjoy to keep our comments lively. Hope everyone is staying warm; now, armed with my red pen, it’s back to work. Who will die first: Lenna or I!?

Brian Does Not Like to Edit
My money is on me dying first.

Birds, Booze, and Bondage

Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve a lot to be thankful for this year: I’ve learned how amazing and strong my support network can be; it is through the caring and kindness of my loved ones that I’ve been able to pull off a lot of things I never thought myself capable of doing. Hell, I published a book! 😀

I’ve managed to reconnect with some people whom I’d thought were lost to me, and I’ve met and made a huge collection of new friends. For these things, I’m truly thankful. I certainly know I wouldn’t be as inspired to keep writing/cooking/waking up without you guys.

Turkey 2013
All lubed and tied up. Sexy.

On that note, cheers to everyone, wherever (or whenever, if you happen to be a time traveler or dead), you happen to be! It’s time to tie one on, nom some good food, and appreciate the love of those around you.

By the way, yesterday, I found out I was out of eggs, and had to make an emergency trip to the grocery store. Unshowered. Still in PJs. >:( UNHAPPINESS WAS EVERYWHERE.

GRR! Bao!

The Aftermath of a Nerdgasm

If you read the post from the other day where I refused to be productive because of the possibility of too much fandom going on in my life, you’ll know yesterday was pretty epic from a geek standpoint for me. I shan’t go into the details (SPOILERS), but suffice it to say I made too much food and got far too excited.

Also, I dropped a food processor on my knee, severely crippling my efforts at mastering this paso doble. Oh well.

There’s one more day until the FINAL (I mean it) Goodreads giveaway for Librarian ends so, really: it’s Sunday, it’s cold out — sign up if you haven’t! Meanwhile, I’m actually being a good boy and working on Apprentice.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Librarian by Brian Fence


by Brian Fence

Giveaway ends November 25, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win


I’ve been in freaking-out geek mode for several weeks now. The stars have all aligned to give me the most powerful weekend of fandom in all of history; the only way it could get ANY more insane for me was if something Sailor Moon came out tomorrow, too.

So, tonight, I’ve got J-Law in CATCHING FIRE, woot-woot, then tomorrow, a MLP marathon, Equestria Girls TV premiere, THE FIRST TWO EPISODES OF SERIES FOUR OF MLP, then the Food Network’s Thanksgiving Live with (hopefully drunken) Ina Garten, and then the DAY OF THE DOCTOR! I am beginning to feel the blood trickle from my nose as I type.

I will be in my knickers, with a bow tie, and a fez. A sonic screwdriver and perhaps a liquid Screwdriver in each hand. Such excitement. Such excitement this blog post hasn’t been constructed very well at all. Or informative.

But here, I’ll add something deep. Life feels oppressively long sometimes, so much so that we don’t always realize [that] we’re all living on borrowed time, and even human relationships — family, friends, lovers — are fleeting. So find a pony, have some wine with a friend, and smile; and as my mother would say, inhale the moment. Find those fhets and make yourself enjoy every bit of happiness life affords. Sparkle.





Halfway ThereDo not be scared by the very very blonde mustache, or by ruby-red, kissable lips. It’s 15th MOVEMBER, the month where Mo’Bros around the world grow a mustache to support research and awareness of men’s health. All proceeds go to funding prostate and testicular cancers and men’s mental health research. If you’re feeling generous, sponsor me! We’ve only got 15 days left!

(PS — anyone who donates $50 USD or more will get a signed hardcover of my Librarian.)

Speaking of it being the 15th, there are only TEN DAYS LEFT until the Goodreads giveaway for my last 10 signed hardcovers is over. It’s free to enter, free to win, and Goodreads is an amaaaazing site, so… what have you got to lose? Sign up and spread the words to your friends! My book’s worth it. 🙂

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Librarian by Brian Fence


by Brian Fence

Giveaway ends November 25, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Thymey Whymey

Thyme and BoardNo, I’m not cutting up some illegal herb; it’s THYME! Get the post’s title now? Hee-hee, Brian’s puns are bad.

Life has been pretty mundane lately, and that’s a reason to make every event a little more special. Tonight I cooked herb-marinated pork tenderloins, roasted right in the pan; I accompanied them with couscous and shallots, Vichy carrots, and a green salad with a Dijon vinaigrette. Simple, rustic French cookery. Om-nom-nom.

Excitingly, I get to pop over to the library tomorrow to speak with the senior librarian about Librarian, and it just-so-happens that the main branch is across the street from one of my favorite local watering holes. There’s a connection her: MOAR WORK ON APPRENTICE (I’ve made no secret that I work best from pubs)!

I really need to push out the next couple chapters, and errrg, tonight was one of those nights in the shower when I was like, “Damn, I think this might need to be longer than a trilogy…” — no, Brian! NO! Squash that thought right now!


Emptying out excess inventory and to once again promote Librarian before its sequel hits the shelves next year, I’ve started a Goodreads Giveaway for the final ten hardcover copies I have in my personal possession.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Librarian by Brian Fence


by Brian Fence

Giveaway ends November 25, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

They’ve be signed and mailed out as soon as the contest ends, November 25th, so enter to win! After all, it’s free! If you happen to be a lucky winner, please leave a review. 😀

Happy (chilly) Monday!

Happy Movember!

That’s right, kids, today is the first day of Movember, when Mo-Bros team up to grow a beautiful mustache for the month! Just like other fundraising efforts, you can show your support by donating to a Mo-Bro and help raise awareness and fund research for men’s health issues like testicular and prostate cancer.

You can visit my mo-bro page at!

As an added incentive, anyone who donates more than $50 USD will receive a signed copy of my book, Librarian.

My Drink of the Day…

Magnesium Citrate

…is pasteurized sparkling saline laxative! Huzzah for magnesium citrate! I get to quaff this entire bottle at 16:00 EDT today in prep for the wonderful exploration of my innards tomorrow. Don’t worry; I have another one tomorrow morning as well, in addition to some pills. WEE! Or the opposite thereof.

At least my gastroenterologist has promised not to write bad things on my bum. Since he has me on a clear liquid diet until 15:00-ish tomorrow, I’m wondering if I should mix the cherry-flavored fizzy citrate with vodka and make a fancy cocktail called “Brian’s Royal Flush.”

Okay, enough with the digestive humor. Getting ready to release the dramatic conclusion (ooooh…) to “The Eighth Bible of New Egypt,” and unlike previous installments this one will be released on Halloween (Thursday), which is only a few days. Get excited, and worry not: the growling you hear is not a monster; it’s my stomach. *whimper*